POC(Power of Community) 2009 가 11월 5~6일 서울 양재동 교육문화회관 거문고홀에서 개최됩니다.

관심있으신 분들은 참고하시기 바랍니다.


First Day (Nov  5 )

08:00 ~09:00


09:30 ~10:30

 Moti Joseph, "Microsoft Patches Little Sister But Forgets Big Brother"

11:00 ~12:00

 Xu Hao, "Attacking Certificate-based Authentication System"

12:00 ~13:00


13:00 ~14:10

 Raditya lryandi, Jim Geovedi, "Satellite Hacking"

14:20 ~15:30

 MJOO11, "Analyzing VMware Operating System & Detecting Rootkit from Outside"

15:40 ~16:50

 Stefan Esser, "Shocking News in PHP Exploitation"

17:00 ~18:10

 Tora, "Vulnerability Discovery with Happy Reverse Engineering"


Second Day (Nov  6 )

09:10 ~10:10

 Sandro Gauci, "When the Internet & Telephony Mix: ..."

10:20 ~11:20

 Tielei Wang, "Detecting Integer Overflow Vulerabilities in Binaries"

11:30 ~12:30

 Alexander Sotirov, "Bypasssing Memory Protection on Windows 7"

12:30 ~13:30


14:00 ~15:10

 Sionics & kaientt, "Technical Secrets of 7.7 DDoS Attack"

15:30 ~16:40

 Winner of Reverse Engineering Contest, "Analysis of Contest Files"

16:50 ~18:00

 Panel Discussion

18:00 ~18:30

 Closing Ceremony

19:00 ~21:00

 Dinner Party for speakers, guests, participants, and staffs