Louisville Infosec 2009 Videos 모음입니다.

보안 소식/교육 및 세미나 2009. 11. 2. 22:06 Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
Infosec 2009 에서 발표된 영상들입니다.

정리가 잘 되었네요.

출처 : http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos%2Flouisville-infosec-2009-videos

발표 주제는 아래와 같습니다. 매우 흥미있는 주제죠?^^)

 - Insider Attacks: The How's, Why's, and What to Do's Dr. Eugene Schultz Louisville Infosec Conference Video 

- The Internet is Evil John Strand Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- The Seven Habits of a Successful Information Security Career Manager Lee Kushner Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Attacking SSL PKI Mike Zusman Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Blocking the Covert Channels Used for Malicious Data Theft Alex Lanstein Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Darknets: Fun and games with anonymizing private networks Adrian Crenshaw Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Compliance Strategy and Planning - Building an Effective Application Security Program John Pavone Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- SAS 70 Compliance Auditing Rick Taylor Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Virtualizing the Security Architecture: Defending Virtual Servers and Applications Jason Wessel Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Bob's Great Adventure: Attacking & Defending Web Applications Paul Asadoorian Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Advanced Data Recovery Forensic Scott Moulton Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Current Threats and Countermeasures Mark Maxey Louisville Infosec Conference Video

- Blending business and technical benefits together to achieve an effective and streamlined compliance assessment. Jim Czerwonka and Jimmy Noll Louisville Infosec Conference Video